Laughter, the best…

Posted on February 10, 2011


I’ve blogged before about the four rules that shape my relationship with the significant submissive.

Our relationship started because, amongst the sixty or seventy men and women wanking over her in a chatroom as she wanked on cam, I was the one making her laugh.

We make each other laugh repeatedly and regularly. I even suggested to her that laughter is the unwritten fifth rule. It was a response to a joke that worked, but it’s more than that.

There are actually a range of human affects that shape and form part of our relationship’s culture. Surprise, delight, pride, humour; they are all part of, and part of the outcomes of those four rules.

But the greatest of them, to me, is laughter. Yes, I was the class clown, caned at the age of thirteen by the head of year after mockingly describing the school fete as ‘a fete worse than death…’ Yes, I’m the youngest sibling of a noisy, intelligent family who could argue the major issues of the day across a chipped formica kitchen table. So what a surprise that I have two key measures of success; orgasms provoked and laughter induced.

And the meaning of this rambling? It relates back to authenticity again. I can’t do the kind of BDSM that focusses on naughty children being spanked, or the time worn ‘I caned the wife when she overspent on the credit cards’ themes of domestic discipline stories. I don’t use the cane as a threat or a punishment; it’s a thing of joy that I use because the person being caned has pleasure from it.

And, hopefully, laughter afterwards.

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